File structure

Exercises are stored on the server’s file system. An exercise consists of a directory containing a definition file exercise.xml together with a file exercisekey and possibly additional assets such as figures/pdf. This directory must be located somewhere under the root exercises/ directory to be recognized by the system.

Directory structure

├── …
├── exercise_folder
│ ├── exercise.xml
│ ├── exercisekey
│ └── …
├── …


An XML file containing all information about the exercise, see below for the XML format.


A text file containing a unique key (up to 255 bytes of UTF8 encoded ASCII) that identifies the exercise in the database. A key file can be added and assigned manually, but is automatically generated as a uuid4 identifier if not present.

Exercise XML format

This first part describes the XML tags that are common to all exercises.



  <exercisename>Momentum and energy</exercisename>
	m = 3 kg; v = 5 meter / second;
    A particle with mass $m$ is moving with velocity $v$.
  <question key="1" type="default">
    <text>What is the energy of the particle?</text>
  <question key="2" type="default">
    <text>What is the momentum  of the particle?</text>


Top level tags :header-rows: 1





Root tag


The visible name/title of the exercise


key [string]

unique id (within the exercise)

type [string]

question type [compareNumeric, …]

Question root tag. See Question Types.


type [string]

question type (optional, if not specified all questions will recieve this data).

Data that will be passed to all questions in this exercise. For example variables for multiple symbolic questions.


size [string]

optional size specification. Choices are small*, medium or large.

A figure (usually an image) that aids in explaining the question. Specify the filename of image that was added to the exercise folder, or uploaded via the assets browser in XML & Assets when editing the exercise.