OpenTA For webworks users

Create a blank course

Write an email to and ask for credentials to administer a course. Include the follwing information

  • Course Title

  • Institution

  • Your name and email

You will get a temporary password to set up the course.

Canvas setup

To set up the course in canvas, go to Settings -> Apps -> View App Configurations -> +App

Then with your_course_id as the id of your course

Migrate your course to the WebWork instance at openta

Migrating a course from Webworks to OpenTA is in development. Until this procedure is thoroughly tested, it is best to clone your course into an ordinary WeBWork 2.17 installation . Make sure exercises are complete and working. We can then migrate the course to the OpenTA framwork for you.

There are a number of sites discussing how to copy a course to a new server. See or