Gothenburg University and Chalmers¶
OpenTA has been in use at Gothenburg University and Chalmers University since 2017. The following courses have used it:
Course |
Description |
FFM516 |
Mekanik 1 |
FFM521 |
Mekanik 2 |
FFY143 |
Fysik 2 |
LFY073 |
Fortbildning fysiklärare |
FKA081 |
Quantum mechanics |
FFM234 |
Vektorfält och klassisk fysik |
FIM770 |
Dynamical systems |
FYP102 |
Mekanik A |
FIM720 |
Neural networks |
FFY012 |
Fasta tillståndets fysik |
LGFY10 |
Fysik för gymnasielärare |