Managing the Course¶
More Course Options¶
Make sure the toolbar is visible by clicking icon at the top left.
Press the
buttonIn the new toolbar, press
This page shows the settings for a course. Each setting is grouped by and presented in it’s own card. These are:
- Published
Enable this checkbox if you wish to publish the course (i.e. allow students to log in and answer questions).
- Course name
A short name suitable for links without spaces or special charcters.
- Course long name
A descriptive name to be used in and appear in Web pages.
- Url
The full url of the course.
- Motd
A short message for web pages; typically blank.
- Difficulties
Choices of badges to decorate exercises:
+:Recommended,*:Easy ..
for instance makes a badge ‘+’ correspond to the label recommended etc.This can be anything you want; choices appear later in exercise options
- Deadline time
Time of day when exercises are due.
- Use lti
The Use lti setting is meant for advanced users. Novice users should leave it unchecked.
- Registration by password
Allow password for registration.
- Registration domains
Domains from which to allow registration. Wildcard ‘*’ OK.
This is currently only a checkbox.
- Use email
Enable email.
Put in your own email in
email reply to
Ignore the following settings for sites
Email host user
- The SMTP server’s host nameEmail username
- The SMTP usernameEmail host password
- The user’s email password; stored unencrypted
- Use autotranslation
Novice users should leave this unchecked.
- Languages
The Default is
; language codes separated by comma, for instancesv,en,de
. Not particularly useful without auto translation.- Owners
Check your username and
as owners. In addition, select any other users who should be able to view unpublished questions.- Allow anonymous student
Enable this setting` to allow anonymous logins.
Enable this setting only if you do not plan to use LTI (i.e. Canvas) or Moodle
Press the Save
button after you have changed the setting you are interesed in chaning.
To see what the course looks like for a student, press Student view
Enable LTI i.e. Canvas or Moodle¶
This section is relevant only to those who will be using OpenTA from an LTI CMS such as Canvas or Moodle.
More information about LTI can be found here: Learning Tools Interoperability(LTI).
Important: do not allow students to first authenticate outside of Canvas if that’s how they will be expected to login later. A student’s identity must be first verified by LTI. You cannot migrate a student into Canvas if the identity is not first established that way.
This assumes that you are able to install an LTI app in Canvas or Moodle.
In the
interface, chooseChoose
Settings -> Apps
View App Configurations -> +App -> Configuration Type ->
Configuration Type -> ByURL
In another tab or window, in OpenTA choose
Course Options
and go back toOptions
Copy the (OpenTA) entire config URL , including the
into (LTI)Config URL
Copy the entire (OpenTA)
Lti key
into the LTIConsumer Key
Copy the entire (OpenTA)
Lti secret
into the LTIShared Secret
Choose (Canvas)
If all went well, the App has been added to Canvas.
To allow students to easily break OpenTA out from the Canvas frame:
Add the Canvas app Redirect Tool and point it to the hostname running OpenTA
Instructions only for those whose superuser identity coincides with your Canvas identity
Create a new superuser identity for yourself so it will be different from the identity you have in Canvas.
Note that you can assign yourself a password in the admin interface (click the gear icon in the header)
Make sure you can login as the new superuser
Then delete the original user so that identity can be recreated with an LTI login
Try to login through the LTI CMS.
Canvas opens OpenTA in a frame, not only taking valuable desktop space with sidebars and headers, but also causing security issues through third-party cookies. Some admin features may not work in the Canvas frames, so it is best to administer the course as superuser via direct login and not through Canvas.
If you already have a user identity that coincides with that from Canvas, change username and email of the old superuser to allow a new identity to be created from Canvas. If you want the Canvas identity to be superuser, change the user in the admin interface. It can be useful to retain a student identity when used through Canvas.
To guard against misconfigurations by LTI admins, an LTI authenticated user will never automatically have access other than Student in OpenTA even if they are examiner or CourseDeveloper. The superuser must provide suitable non-student access to LTI authenticated users manually.
Suggestion on dealing with course assistants and other admins
The best way to proceed is that the course createor obtains a new superuser identity, including password and then, after it is verified working, deletes the original identity. Then course creator logs in through Canvas. The superuser login is then used to provide whatever privileges is desired to the new identity. Same procedure with course assistants; first the course assistant logs in through Canvas, then superuser promote privileges.
This could of course have been done automatically if OpenTA respected a Canvas identity such as Examiner or CourseDeveloper. However, we have chosen not to rely on that, since a misconfiguration of roles from University Canvas services could mistakenly compromise the OpenTA site.